The European network
So that our trailers are always working and your journey goes smoothly we are there to support you. Legras industries quality does not stop at the factory gates. We accompany our trailers – all over the place. We back up our customers after they have bought one of our products with the best possible service.
Sales network
Wherever you are, we have dealers.
The sale of our equipment and advice are provided by our advisors who offer all the practical and technical help you need.
Repair agents
No matter if your trailer is damaged, broken-down, or a component does not work properly, competent partner repair shops will help you immediately solving the problem.
Parts dealer network
4500 references on stock
Direct Shipping to all destinations.
Call before 4:30 PM to get an express delivery.
Contact us
Export Spare Parts Service
Olivier BROYE
Tel: +33 (0)
Fax : +33 (0)
Repair workshop
Tel: +33 (0)
Fax : +33 (0)